We’re so delighted that despite the current situation we’ve managed to complete our Duavata Conservation Leadership Programme pilot of 5 groups of 8 young people from Macuata as part of the first cohort.
Congratulations to KokoMana and Nukubati for the collaboration and our friends at Ocean Ventures for their support.
Vinaka vakalevu to the German Embassy in Wellington for supporting the initiative and allowing our tourism members to share their expertise, inspire the next generation of conservation leaders and build their awareness of the links between our actions on land and impacts on our marine environment.
On their return to their communities, their parents decided that they would also like to participate and will be visiting KokoMana over the next week in groups, with Nukubati’s support, so they can work together with children on implementing their conservation initiatives in the village.
Realising our longstanding dream of making our educational experiences available to young conservation leaders in Fiji. And this is just the start!